FUNCTION: To recommend to the president, the chief information officer, and the Faculty Council changes in policies regarding information technology; to consult with and advise the chief information officer about policies and procedures pertaining to information technology at the University.
COMPOSITION: Fifteen (15) voting faculty members of the General Faculty, thirteen (13) of which will serve three (3) year staggered terms. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Eight (8) of the faculty members will be from colleges/schools participating in the Information Technology Leadership Council (ITLC) and will rotate among the colleges and schools that participate in ITLC. The remaining five (5) faculty members will be selected through the regular procedures of the Committee on Committees (see HOP 2-1040 section B), giving priority to colleges and schools not in ITLC. The Committee on Committees will submit all faculty recommendations/nominations, including the IT panel, to the president for appointment. There will be four (4) staff members appointed for two (2) year staggered terms. At least two (2) of the staff member representatives shall not be employed in IT- related areas. The Chair of ITLC will be a non-voting member of C-13. The president shall appoint three (3) student members for one (1) year terms, one from each panel of two (2) names submitted by Student Government, the Senate of College Councils, and the Graduate Student Assembly. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. The chief information officer or a representative from the central information technology group shall serve as ex officio member without vote. A staff member of UT Libraries shall also serve as ex-officio member without vote. A representative from each of the following shall be selected by the president to serve as an administrative advisor without vote: the Faculty Innovation Center (FIC), Financial and Administrative Services, and department chairs. If the above processes did not produce a member who belongs to both C-13 Information Technology Committee and C-14 Technology-Enhanced Education Oversight Committee, the Committee on Committees shall appoint the Chair or a member of C-14 as an ex-officio member of C-13.
Member E-mail Address Book (comma delimited)
Member E-mail Address Book (semi-colon delimited)
Annual Report
Initial Meeting
September 14, 2020
2:15 - 3:30
Via Zoom (Zoom invitation will be sent by committee chair)
2020-2021 Membership
2020-21 Committee Chair
Xiaofen Keating. Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
Chair Elect
Kavita Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, Nursing
Glenn P. Downing, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Computer Science
Xiaofen Keating. Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
Martin W. Kevorkian, Professor, English
2018-2021 College/School IT Leadership Committee Faculty Reps
Gordon S. Novak, Professor, Computer Science
Stephen G. Walker, Professor, Mathematics
Varun Rai, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering (appointed to fill 2019-21 vacant seat)
Tanya Elizabeth Clement, Assistant Professor, Information
Donald S. Fussell, Professor, Computer Science
Lizy K. John, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kavita Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, Nursing
Yolanda C. Padilla, Professor, Social Work
Paul J. Rathouz, Professor, Population Health
Yan Zhang, Associate Professor, Information
2020-2023 College/School IT Leadership Committee Faculty Reps
Casey A. Boyle, Associate Professor, Rhetoric and Writing
Suzanne Scott, Assistant Professor, Radio-Television-Film
2020-2021 Faculty Council Representatives
Hannah C. Wojciehowski, Professor, English
Staff Members
Greg Caponigro, Engineering Scientist Associate, Applied Research Laboratories
Courtney Warrington, Technology Services Coordinator, Architecture
Karhyn W. Flowers, Program Administrator, Education, Integrated Behavioral Health, Psychiatry
Angela Standridge, Program Director, Texas Center for Disability Studies
Student Members
Ethan Cavazos, Senate of College Councils Representative
Rylan Maksoud, Student Government Representative
To be determined, Graduate Student Assembly Representative
Administrative Advisers without Vote
Chad J. Fulton, Associate Director, Faculty Innovation Center
Mario A. Guerra, Information Technology Research and Educational Technology Committee Representative
Carol Lee, Financial and Administrative Services, ITS
Angela M. Newell, Representative for the Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Stathis Tompaidis, Department Chair, Information, Risk, and Operations Management