FUNCTION: To address the matter of recruitment and retention of minority students and to advise the Faculty Council and the president on constructive solutions to alleviate the problems of recruitment and retention.
COMPOSITION: Four voting members of the General Faculty for three-year staggered terms, one departmental faculty minority liaison officer for a three-year term, and two staff members (at least one shall be an academic advisor or graduate coordinator) for two-year staggered terms. Three students shall be appointed by the President from a panel of names submitted by Student Government and one from a panel submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. The Coordinator of the Sanger Learning and Career Center and three members of the administration shall be appointed by the President for one-year terms. In addition, every year the Chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one-year terms. Each year, the committee shall elect its own Chair and Vice Chair who shall be voting faculty members of the committee. The Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement, a representative from the African American Alumni Association, and a representative from the Hispanic Alumni Association shall serve as ex officio members without votes.
Member E-mail Address Book (comma delimited)
Member E-mail Address Book (semi-colon delimited)
2018-2019 Membership
2018-2019 Committee Chair
Nicole Guidotti-Hernandez, Associate Professor, Mexican American and Latina/o Studies
Vice Chair and/or Chair Elect
To be determined
Michael B. Clement, Departmental Faculty Minority Liaison Officer, Professor, Accounting
Nicole Marie Guidotti-Hernandez, Associate Professor, Mexican American and Latina/o Studies
Matt T. Richardson, Associate Professor, English
Erin M. Rodriguez, Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology and Dell Medical School
2018-2019 Faculty Council Representatives
Jamie C Barner, Professor, Pharmacy
Lydia Maria Contreras, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
Staff Members
Sara Bernier, Administrative Manager, Office of Sponsored Projects
Susanne Cruz Morrison, Senior Administrative Associate, Institute for Geophysics
2018-2019 Coordinator of the Sanger Learning and Career Center with Vote
Edward L. Fernandez, Program Administrator for Academic Counseling and Tutorial Services (ACTS)
2018-2019 Members of the Administration with Vote
Phaedra White Abbott, Senior Program Coordinator, Undergraduate Studies
Aileen Bumphus, Associate Vice President, Longhorn Center for Academic Excellence
Susan C. Harkins, Assistant Dean and Lecturer, Natural Sciences
Student Members
Aysha W. Moneer, Student Government Representative
Noa D. Porten, Student Government Representative
Catherine N. Virola, Graduate Student Assembly Representative
To be determined, Student Government Representative
Administrative Advisers without Vote
Milagros I. Lopez, Associate Director for Community and External Relations and the Hispanic Alumni Association representative
Leonard N. Moore, Interim Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement
Patrick K. Patterson, Assistant Vice President for School Partnerships and the African American Alumni Association Representative