FUNCTION: To advise the Faculty Council and the president on matters relating to the research mission of the University and relationship between the research mission and other components of the University's overall mission. To provide for wider dissemination of information concerning the research mission of the University and how that mission is being discharged.
COMPOSITION: Nine voting members of the General Faculty for three-year staggered terms, one school or college administrator (Associate Dean for Research) for a one-year term, and two research staff members for two-year staggered terms. No more than two faculty members of the committee shall be from a given college or school. One undergraduate student appointed by the President from a panel of names submitted by the Senate of College Councils and two graduate students appointed from a panel submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. At least one of the graduate student members of the committee shall be enrolled in one of the Ph.D. programs of the Graduate School. In addition, every year the Chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one-year terms. Each year, the committee shall elect its own Chair and Vice Chair who shall be voting faculty members of the committee. Both the Vice President for Research and the Dean of the Graduate School and Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs shall serve as administrative advisors to the committee without vote.
Member E-mail Address Book (comma delimited)
Member E-mail Address Book (semi-colon delimited)
Mark Your Calendars
Thursday, February 7
11:30-1:00 PM in FAC 440
Monday, March 4
1:30-3:00 PM, FAC 332
Wednesday, April 3
11:00-12:30 PM, FAC 332
Monday, April 22
1:30-3:00 PM, FAC 332
2018-2019 Membership
2018-2019 Committee Chair
Noël B. Busch-Armendariz, Professor, Social Work
Vice Chair
Clinton N. Dawson, Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Chair Elect
Sharon D. Horner, Professor, Nursing
Ayelet H. Lushkov, Assistant Professor, Classics
Michael S. Mackert, Professor, Advertising and Public Relations, and Director of the Center for Health Communication (replaced Lalitha Gopalan)
Pauline T. Strong, Professor, Anthropology
Clinton N. Dawson, Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Sharon D. Horner, Professor, Nursing
Allan W. Shearer, Associate Professor, Architecture
Noël B. Busch-Armendariz, Professor, Social Work
Austin Cooney, Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Alexandra Loukas, Professor, Kinesiology and Health Education
2018-2019 Faculty Council Representatives
Shannon E. Cavanagh, Associate Professor, Sociology (replaced Joshua D. Eisenman, Assistant Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs) -pending acceptance
Benjamin Ibarra Sevilla, Assistant Professor, Architecture
College or School Administrator with vote
Dean R. Appling, Associate Dean, Natural Sciences
Staff Members
Jennifer Cassaday, Animal Resource Manager, Animal Resources Center
Elizabeth K. Miller, Senior Administrative Associate, Chemical Engineering
Student Members
Chris Apgar, Senate of College Councils Representative
Soyoung Park, Graduate Student Assembly Representative
Monica Mohseni Sisiruca, Graduate Student Assembly Representative
Administrative Advisers without Vote
Marvin L. Hackert, Associate, Dean, Graduate School Representative
Stanley J. Roux, Associate Vice-President For Research