FUNCTION: To advise the Faculty Council and the president on matters pertaining to the responsibilities, rights, and welfare of graduate student academic employees.
COMPOSITION: Five voting members of the General Faculty for three-year staggered terms; one staff graduate coordinator for a two-year term; and one teaching assistant, one assistant instructor, and one graduate research assistant. Student members shall be appointed by the President from a panel of names submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. In addition, every year the Chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one-year terms. Each year, the committee shall elect its own Chair and Vice Chair who shall be voting faculty members of the committee. The chair of the Graduate Assembly shall appoint one member of the Graduate Assembly for a one-year term as an ex officio voting member of the committee. One representative from the Graduate School shall serve as an ex officio non-voting administrative advisor.
Member E-mail Address Book (comma delimited)
Member E-mail Address Book (semi-colon delimited)
February 12th Meeting
FAC 402A Conference Room, 2:00-3:00 PM
2018-2019 Membership
2018-2019 Chair
David W. Taylor
Vice Chair & Chair Elect
Kerry A. Kinney
David W. Taylor, Assistant Professor, Molecular Biosciences (replacement for Professor Gretchen Murphy (English) who is on leave in 2018-19)
Sarfraz Khurshid, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mary Jo Worthy, Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
Todd J. Arbogast, Professor, Mathematics
Steven Warach, Professor, Neurology, Dell Medical School
2018-2019 Faculty Council Representatives
Susan S. Heinzelman, Associate Professor, English; and Women's and Gender Studies
Kerry A. Kinney, Professor, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering
Staff Members
Philip A. Guerrero, Graduate Program Administrator
Student Members
Cassandra Donnelly, Graduate Student Assembly representative (TA)
Samantha J Fuchs, Graduate Student Assembly representative (RA)
Delaney Harness, Graduate Student Assembly representative (AI)
Administrative Advisers
James H. Cox Chair, Graduate Assembly (with vote)
Dean P. Neikirk, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies (without vote)