FUNCTION: To become well informed concerning the functions of the University of Texas Libraries, including the branch libraries. To advise in development of policies and procedures; to advise the Librarian, the Faculty Council and the president concerning the direction and growth of the University of Texas Libraries; to advise the president in the event it becomes necessary to appoint a new librarian.
COMPOSITION: Eight voting members of the General Faculty for three-year staggered terms, three staff members for two-year staggered terms, and seven students. Staff members shall be appointed by the President from a panel of names submitted by the Staff Council and shall include two research staff representatives. Two students shall be appointed by the President from a panel of names submitted by Student Government, three from a panel submitted by the Senate of College Councils, and two from a panel submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. In addition, every year the Chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one-year terms. Each year, the committee shall elect its own Chair and Vice Chair who shall be voting faculty members of the committee. The Director of the University of Texas Libraries shall serve as administrative advisor without vote. Heads of other administrative units on campus that include library programs and services shall be invited to provide comment and information as the need arises.
Member E-mail Address Book (comma delimited)
Member E-mail Address Book (semi-colon delimited)
Approval of Minutes
October 18, 2018
The committee approved the minutes of the October meeting.
2018-2019 Membership
2018-2019 Committee Chair
Jennifer V. Ebbeler, Associate Professor, Classics
Vice Chair & Chair Elect
Sara J. Sweitzer, Associate Professor of Instruction, Nutritional Sciences
Miroslava M. Benes, Associate Professor, Architecture
Jennifer V. Ebbeler, Associate Professor, Classics
Julia L. Mickenberg, Associate Professor, American Studies
George D. Bittner, Professor, Neuroscience
Sara J. Sweitzer, Associate Professor of Instruction, Nutritional Sciences
Michael B. Winship, Professor, English
Jorge Canizares, Professor, History
Luisa Nardini, Associate Professor, Music
2018-2019 Faculty Council Representatives
Jonathan Kaplan, Assistant Professor, Middle Eastern Studies
Maria D. Wade, Associate Professor, Anthropology
Staff Members
Charmarie Burke, Staff Council Representative
Gregory Caponigro, Staff Council Representative; Research Staff Member
James A. (Adam) Zeiner, Interaction Designer, The Design Institute for Health
Student Members
Katherine Z Chen, Senate of College Councils Representative
Jennifer A. Follen, Graduate Student Assembly Representative
Colby Lynn Holloman, Senate of College Councils Representative
Ian D. McEntee, Student Government Representative
Erika D Ong, Senate of College Councils Representative
John P. Reppeto, Student Government Representative
To be determined, Graduate Student Assembly Representative
Administrative Advisers without Vote
Lorraine J. Haricombe, Vice Provost and Director, UT Libraries