FUNCTION: To consider and propose modifications to University policies that would improve faculty welfare; to study all proposed legislation concerning faculty welfare and submit recommendations to the Faculty Council.
COMPOSITION: Seven (7) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms, including a faculty member from the School of Law. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. In addition, this committee shall appoint a member to serve ex-officio with vote on both the Gender Equity Council and on the Wellness Network Executive Board.
Member E-mail Address Book (comma delimited)
Member E-mail Address Book (semi-colon delimited)
October 22
The committee will meet in the conference room in the Office of the General Faculty and Faculty Council, and Office of the Faculty Ombuds, WMB 2.102. The Office is just next door to the US Post Office on campus.
2019-2020 Initial Meeting
Chair Elizabeth Gershoff will convene the initial meeting
September 11, 3:30PM, RLP 1.302A
2019-2020 Membership
2019-2020 Committee Chair
Elizabeth T. Gershoff, Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences
Vice Chair/Chair Elect
To be determined
Elizabeth T. Gershoff, Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences
Blinda E. McClelland, Associate Professor of Instruction, Biology Instructional Office
Lucinda Jane Atkinson, Associate Professor, Advertising and Public Relations
Robert J. Peroni, Professor, Law
Karen Johnson, Associate Professor, Nursing
Robert A. Prentice, Professor, Business, Government, and Society
Jennifer M. Wilks, Associate Professor, English
2019-2020 Faculty Council Representatives
Norma L. Fowler, Professor, Integrative Biology
Ayelet H. Lushkov, Associate Professor, Classics