FUNCTION: To advise the Faculty Council and executive vice president and provost on policies and procedures pertinent to the development, implementation, and on the operation of international programs at the University and pedagogical and research programs involving overseas study and/or work with internationally-oriented agencies.
COMPOSITION: Five (5) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms and two (2) students. At least one (1) faculty member of the committee shall be a member of a foreign language department. One (1) student member shall be appointed by the president from each of the panels of two (2) names submitted by Student Government and the Senate of College Councils. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. The president shall appoint annually, as administrative advisors without vote, the senior vice provost for global engagement, the dean of the Graduate School, as well as one (1) person selected form the academic associate deans of the colleges and schools, one (1) person selected from among the directors of the University area studies centers, and a representative of the University administration in the area of international programs and related student services.
Member E-mail Address Book (comma delimited)
Member E-mail Address Book (semi-colon delimited)
2019-2020 Meetings
Spring Meeting Schedule, from 10:00-11:00 am
February 11, MAI 201
March 10, MAI 210
April 7, MAI 210
May 5, MAI 210
Fall Meeting Schedule
The following Thursdays at 10:00 am
October 17, International Office (rescheduled from October 10)
November 7, BEN 2.126A
December 5, MAI 26 - CANCELLED
2019-2020 Membership
2019-2020 & 2020-2021 Committee Chair
Melissa D. Murphy, Senior Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese
Vice Chair
Ann C. Johns, Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Art and Art History
David J. Eaton, Professor, Public Affairs
Ann C. Johns, Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Art and Art History
Na'ama Pat-El, Associate Professor, Linguistics, and Center for Middle Eastern Studies (replacing John W. Traphagan, Professor, Religious Studies, who resigned from committee fall 2019)
Shiv Ganesh, Professor, Communication Studies
Melissa D. Murphy, Senior Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese
2019-2020 Faculty Council Representatives
Lauren E. Gulbas, Assistant Professor, Social Work
Thomas M. Hunt, Associate Professor, Kinesiology and Health Education
Student Members
Katherine E. Birch, Senate of College Councils Representative
Thomas J. Cline, Student Government Representative
Administrative Advisers without Vote
Douglas G. Biow, Director, Academic Program, French and Italian
John D. Dalton, Assistant Dean, Graduate Studies Representative
Sonia Feigenbaum, Senior Vice Provost for Global Engagement and Chief International Officer
Richard R. Flores, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Liberal Arts
Heather A. Thompson, Director, Study Abroad