B4 Student Athletes and Activities Committee

FUNCTION: The purpose of Student Athletes and Activities Committee is to maintain a formal communication channel between the faculty and student athletes and to advise the president on matters pertaining to student athletes.

COMPOSITION: Three (3) members elected at large from and by the voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms. Two (2) faculty members shall be appointed for one (1) year terms by the president from among the faculty currently serving on the Intercollegiate Athletics Council. Two (2) student athlete members, one (1) each from men’s and women's athletics, will be appointed by the president from a list submitted by the Student Athletes Advisory Council. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. The faculty athletics representative (FAR) shall serve on the committee in an advisory capacity. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. The faculty-appointed representative to the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (COIA) will serve as an ex-officio member.

(Est. 2015 D 12174-12177)

2024-2025 Member E-mail Address Book (comma delimited

2024-2025 Member E-mail Address Book (semi-colon delimited

Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics - http://www.thecoia.org/ 

Annual Report


Committee Chair
Matthew Bowers, Associate Professor of Instruction, Kinesiology and Health Education

Chair Elect
Lara Latimer, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Kinesiology and Health Education


Kimberly Beckwith, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Kinesiology and Health Education (replacing former member fall 2024)


Matthew Bowers, Associate Professor of Instruction, Kinesiology and Health Education


Lara Latimer, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Kinesiology and Health Education

2024-2025 Faculty Council Representatives

Spencer Smith, Associate Professor, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Matt Fajkus, Associate Professor, Architecture

2023-2024 Intercollegiate Athletics Council Faculty Reps

Terrance L. Green, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy
Tasha Philpot, Professor, Department of Government

Student Members


Logan Popelka, Student Athlete
Paris West, Student Athlete

Administrative Advisers without Vote


TBD, Faculty Athletic Representative
Stephen H. Marshall, Associate Professor, American Studies, COIA Representative