Instructions on how to join the Zoom meetings
On Monday, December 7th, the Faculty Council will hold its fourth regular meeting of the year at 2:15 PM via Zoom.
Approval of the Nov. 16 Faculty Council Minutes
Approval of the Nov. 23 Faculty Council Minutes
Minutes of the December 7 Meeting
New Business
- Update on the University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Planning—Jonathan Robb (Director of Emergency Preparedness).
- COACHE Results—Gina Magharious (Survey Coordinator, Institutional Reporting, Research and Information Systems).
- Report from the Task Force on Faculty-Driven Communication (D 18604-18605)—PPT slides—Brad Love (Associate Professor, Advertising and Public Relations) and Shelly R. Rodriguez (Faculty Council Executive Committee member and Associate Professor of Practice, UTeach-Natural Sciences).
Note: The report on current issues with international students and visas has been postponed until spring.
- Student Government Announcement—Vinit Shah
- The next Faculty Council meeting will be held on January 25.