Marsha Miller
The University of Texas’ Regents’ Rules state in Rule 40101, “Faculty Role in Educational Policy Formation,” that ”the faculties of the institutions regularly offering instruction shall have a major role in the governance of their respective institutions in the following areas:
3.1 General academic policies and welfare.
3.2 Student life and activities.
3.3 Requirements of admission and graduation.
3.4 Honors and scholastic performance.
3.5 Approval of candidates for degrees.
3.6 Faculty rules of procedure.
Additionally, The UT Austin Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) 2-1110 specifically allocates to the Faculty Council “authority to consider the following:”
- All matters of educational policy. Except for those matters that are specifically delegated to the Graduate Assembly (see revised HOP 9-1240), the Council shall establish the necessary procedures for enlisting the aid of the faculty in developing educational policies for the entire University.
- Regulations dealing with student activities.
- Requirements for admission, honors, or degrees except to the extent such authority is specifically delegated to the Graduate Assembly (see revised HOP 9-1240).
- Approval of degree candidates.
- Catalog changes requiring approval of the UT System Board of Regents except to the extent that such authority is specifically delegated to the Graduate Assembly (see revised HOP 9-1240).
- Reports of special and standing committees, including the committees of the General Faculty, with the exception of the Rules Committee.

College Governance Documents & Confirmation of Approval
To provide clarity in how the role in formulation of Educational Policy is enacted in each of the colleges and schools at The University of Texas, the Faculty Council has surveyed the units and requested information about the units’ governance, especially in relation to curriculum development. It has also requested the date of the faculty’s approval of these processes.