On Monday, January 24, the fifth meeting of the 21-22 Faculty Council will begin at 2:15 PM via Zoom. All members of the faculty are invited to attend. Please email fc@austin.utexas.edu for an invitation.
Tentative New Business
- Vote on Proposal to Change Bachelor of Arts Plan I Health and Society Major (D 19100-19102)—Pamela Paxton (Professor, Sociology) and John St Lawrence (Senior Administrative Associate)
- Services for Students with Disabilities Presentation on Working with Students—Kelli Bradley (Executive Director, Office of the Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement) and Jennifer Maedgen (Senior Associate Vice President, Office of the Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement)
- Department of Investigation and Adjudication and Title IX Presentation on How to Report Compliance and Title IX Issues— Adriana Alicea-Rodriguez (Associate Vice President and Title IX Coordinator, University Compliance Services) and John Dalton (Associate Vice President, Director for Investigation and Adjudication, University Compliance Services) and
- Faculty Council Priorities Update