Instructions on how to join the Zoom meetings
May 4 Special Meeting and May 4 Regular Meeting Video Recording (MP4)
Minutes of the Special Meeting
Transcript of the Special Meeting
Report of the Committee to Nominate Faculty Council Officers for 2020-2021
Election Results: Domino Perez elected to serve as Chair Elect; Kristin Harvey, Alberto Martinez, and Shelly Rodriguez elected to serve as FCEC officers for one-year terms.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Transcript of the Regular Meeting
Business & Legislation
- Graduate Education Task Force recommendations—Mark J. T. Smith (Dean of the Graduate School and Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs) and Daina Berry (Associate Dean for Graduate Education Transformation)
- Educational Policy Committee Update on the Task Force on Holistic Instructor Review—Christine Julien (Committee Chair and Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Kristin E. Harvey (Chair Elect and Associate Professor of Instruction, Statistics and Data Science).
- Statement from the Task Force on Developing Community Standards for Faculty— Encouragement and Action in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic— Elizabeth T. Gershoff (Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences)
- Update from the Task Force on Developing Community Standards for Faculty— Subcommittee on Restorative Justice / Restorative Practice— Noel Busch-Armendariz (Professor, Social Work), Andrea C. Gore (Professor, Pharmacy) and Mary A. Steinhardt (Faculty Ombuds and Professor, Kinesiology and Health Education)