Committee on Undergraduate Degree Program Review (CUDPR)

Main Tower image

Marsha Miller

CUDPR, an ad hoc committee of the General Faculty, consists of representatives from each college, the Office of the Provost, the Office of Admissions, Official Publications (OP), the Office of the General Faculty (OGF), and the Educational Policy Committee (EPC). 

CUDPR considers issues of the educational quality of degrees and also looks at possible implications of degree changes on course demand and graduation rates, impacts on other programs (e.g.., service courses), and other such issues. CUDPR also considers whether the proposal adequately describes the proposed change. If it doesn't, CUDPR clarifies the proposal or returns it to the dean for clarification.

When CUDPR meets to consider substantive changes to the Undergraduate Catalog, a representative from the college submitting the change(s) explains the college's proposal and answers questions; additional college representatives may attend for this purpose. Non-substantive changes are considered by electronic vote. For more information, see the criteria for routing of proposals.

CUDPR may take any of the following actions:

  • Recommend approval of the proposal as submitted.
  • Recommend approval of the proposal with minor changes (that is, changes that the college's representative can approve without consulting the college).
  • Suggest non-minor changes to the college. In this case, CUDPR returns the proposal to the college for reconsideration. The college may accept the changes, request further changes, or withdraw the proposal. If any further changes that result are substantive, the chair or the college representative presents the updated proposal for reconsideration at the next CUDPR meeting; if they are not substantive, the college representative or the CUDPR chair reports them to OGF.
  • Recommend disapproval of the proposal.

OGF records CUDPR's action, including any changes to the proposal.


Voting Members

Academic Representative Title
Architecture Charlton N. Lewis Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Business David Platt Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Communication Mark Bernstein Associate Dean, and CUDPR Chair
Education Richard Hogeda Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Engineering Gerald Speitel Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Fine Arts D. Rachel Martin Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
GeoSciences Chris Bell  Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Information Carla Criner Assistant Dean
Law Elizabeth Bangs Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Liberal Arts Richard Flores Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Natural Sciences David Vanden Bout Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
Nursing Carol D. Gaskamp Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Pharmacy Renee Acosta Associate Dean
Social Work Allan Cole Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Undergraduate Studies Larry Abraham Associate Dean
Office Administrative Representatives Title
Office of Admissions Keith Baird Assistant to the Director
Educational Policy Committee Representative Ruth E. Buskirk Professor of Instruction, Biology Instructional Office
Faculty Innovation Center Hillary Hart Director
Office of the General Faculty Cynthia A. Labrake Professor of Instruction, Biology Instructional Office & Department of Molecular Biosciences; representing Alan Friedman, Secretary of the General Faculty and Faculty Council
Office of the Registrar (OP) Brenda Schumann Deputy University Registrar
Academic Counselors' Association Jesus Guevara President

Non-Voting Members (unless designated)

Undergraduate Academic Advising Coordinator
Arthur T. Allert (designee)
Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs 
 Michael Schuetz (designee) Senior Program Administrator
Program Manager for Undergraduate Education 
Associate Dean for Teacher Education
Administrative Associate
Executive Assistant
Fine Arts
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Senior Degree Auditor
General Faculty Office
Executive Assistant
Senior Administrative Associate
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Administration
Director of Academic Services
Liberal Arts
Senior Administrative Associate
Natural Sciences
Senior Administrative Associate
Michael W. Raney (designee)
Assistant Dean
Senior Administrative Associate
Administrative Associate
Office of the Executive Vice President & Provost
Administrative Manager
Social Work
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Catherine Hough (designee)
Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate Studies
Assistant Dean
Jen Morgan (disignee)
Program Manager

Legislative Review Committee (LRC) - CUDPR Subcommittee

The LRC previews proposals for consistency and determines whether proposals can be put forward on a no-protest basis or must be considered at a meeting. 


2018-2019 CUDPR Meeting Schedule

Dates and times to be determined
Meeting documents will be accessible in UT Box

2018-2019 Legislative Review Committee Meeting Schedule

Dates and times to be determined
Meeting documents will be accessible in UT Box