Legislation for 2019-2020

Legislation Under Revision
Faculty Rules and Governance Committee Proposal to Modify the Language and Title of the Handbook of Operating Procedures 2-2230, Threatened Faculty Retrenchment Policy (D 15084-15095).
Distributed through the Faculty Council Wiki site on April 7, 2017, and classified as major legislation. The proposal was presented to the Faculty Council at its meeting on April 10, 2017, and approved on May 1, 2017. On May 22, 2017, the General Faculty approved it on a no-protest basis. On May 23, 2017, the legislation was transmitted to President Gregory L. Fenves for his consideration. In August 2017, the Administration expressed concerns with the language and has been working jointly with the Committee to develop new legislation. On May 5, 2020, the Office of Legal Affairs transmitted revisions to the language that were acceptable to the Administration. The changes are considered relatively minor and the spirit of the Rules and Governance Committee’s work has been preserved. The new language will be presented to the Faculty Council for consideration under D 18241-18251.
Resolution from the Faculty Council Executive Committee Regarding the Conferral of Degrees (D 17236)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on August 30, 2019. On September 9, 2019, the Faculty Council endorsed the resolution on a no-protest basis. No further action is required.
State of the University Address (D 17244-17250)
Tuesday, September 18, 2019, The University of Texas at Austin.
Proposal to Create A Race, Indigeneity, and Migration Major in the Bachelor of Arts, Plan I Degree Program in the College of Liberal Arts Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17251-17252)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on September 23, 2019, and classified as general legislation. On October 14; 2019, the Faculty Council unanimously approved the legislation. It was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis on October 16, 2019. On December 2, 2019, Provost McInnis approved the legislation, which was be transmitted to UT System for consideration at the May Board of Regents meeting. On April 20, 2020, UT System transmitted the legislation to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board recommending approval. On May 22, 2020, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board granted final approval.
Proposal to Change the Name of the Information Studies Minor in the School of Information Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17261-17262)
On September 18, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the proposal on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On October 10, 2019, Dean Eric Meyer was notified of the decision.
Proposed Changes to the College of Liberal Arts Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17263-17264; 17272-17273; 17276-17279)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on September 23, 2019, and classified as general legislation. On October 7, 2019, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. The legislation was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis on October 10, 2019. On November 11, 2019, Provost McInnis approved the proposals and transmitted them to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. On February 5, 2020, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board granted final approval.
- Proposed Consolidation of the Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures Major, the Islamic Studies Major, and the Middle Eastern Studies Major (D 17263-17264)
- Proposed Deletion of the Iberian and Latin American Languages and Cultures Major (D 17272-17273)
- Proposal to Create a Portuguese Major (D 17276-17277)
- Proposal to Create a Spanish Major (D 17278-17279)
Proposed Changes to the College of Liberal Arts Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17284-17301)
On September 18, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the proposals listed below on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded them to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On October 10, 2019, Dean Ann Huff Stevens was notified of the decision.
- Proposed Deletion of the Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures Major (D 17284-17285)
- Proposed Deletion of the Islamic Studies (D 17286-17287)
- Proposed Deletion of the Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures Honors Degree Program (D 17288-17289)
- Proposed Deletion of the Islamic Studies Honors Degree Program (D 17290-17291)
- Proposed Addition of a Portuguese Honors Program (D 17292-17293)
- Proposed Changes to the Portuguese Minor (D 17294-17295)
- Proposed Addition of a Spanish Honors Program (D 17296-17297)
- Proposed Changes to the Spanish for Medical Professions Certificate (D 17298-17299)
- Proposed Changes to the Business Spanish Certificate (D 17300-17301)
Proposal to Change the Science and Technology Management Major In The Bachelor Of Business Administration Degree Program in the McCombs School of Business Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17302-17304)
On September 18, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the proposal on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On October 10, 2019, Dean Jay Hartzell was notified of the decision.
Proposal to change the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Degree Program in the College of Natural Science (D 17265-17271)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on September 23, 2019, and classified as general legislation. On October 7, 2019, the FAculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On October 10, 2019, Dean Paul Goldbart was notified of the decision.
Proposed Changes to the College of Liberal Arts Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17274-17275, D 17280-17283)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on September 23, 2019, and classified as being of exclusive interest to only one college or school. On October 7, 2019, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. The items were transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis on October 10, 2019, and she approved them on behalf ot the President on January 13, 2020.
- Proposed Deletion of the Iberian and Latin American Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics Minor (D 17274-17275)
- Proposal to Create a Spanish Minor (D 17280-17281)
- Proposed Deletion of the Middle Islamic Studies Minor (D 17282-17283)
Update to the Core Curriculum Course Lists in the General Information 2020-2021 Catalog and in the School of Undergraduate Studies Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17329-17337)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on October 16, 2019, and classified as general legislation. On November 11, 2019, the Faculty Council approved the legislation. It was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis for her information on November 12, 2019. The School of Undergraduate Studies will transmit the update to the core curriculum course lists to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board prior to winter break or in early January. The authority to grant final approval of the proposed changes to the Undergraduate Catalog resides with the Faculty Council, while the changes to the core curriculum course lists resides with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. On February 3, 2020, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board transmitted approved course lists to the School of Undergraduate Studies. No further action is required at this time.
Proposed University Definition of Plagiarism (D 17338-17339)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on October 16, 2019, and classified as general legislation. On November 11, 2019, the Faculty Council approved the legislation and it was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis on November 12, 2019. On November 14, 2019, Provost McInnis granted final approval on behalf of the President.
Proposal to Change the International Business Major in the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program in the McCombs School of Business Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17342-17345).
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on October 24, 2019, and classified as general legislation. On November 11, 2019, the Faculty Council disapproved the legislation. The McCombs School of Business submitted revisions to the proposal (D 17526-17529) that were considered and approved by the Faculty Council at its next meeting on December 9, 2019.
Proposed Changes to the McCombs School of Business Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17354-17384; D 17386-17400)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on October 28, 2019, and classified as being of exclusive interest to only one college or school. On November 3, 2019, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. The items were transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis on November 4, 2019. On November 22, 2019, Provost McInnis granted final approval of the legislative items listed below. No further action is required.
- Proposal to Create an Energy Management Minor (D 17354-17356)
- Proposal to Create a Healthcare Industry Reform and Innovation Minor (D 17357-17359)
- Proposal to Create a Business and Public Policy Minor (D 17360-17363)
- Proposal to Create a Real Estate Minor (D 17364-17367)
- Proposal to Create a Risk Management Minor (D 17368-17371)
- Proposal to Create a Wealth Management Certificate (D 17372-17375)
- Proposal to Create a Wealth Management Minor (D 17376-17378)
- Proposal to Delete the Business of Healthcare Certificate (D 17379-17381)
- Proposal to Delete the Energy Management Certificate (D 17382-17384)
- Proposal to Delete the Risk Management Certificate (D 17397-17400)
Proposed to Create a Quantum Information Science Certificate in the College of Natural Sciences Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17401-17403)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on October 28, 2019, and classified as being of exclusive interest to only one college or school. On November 8, 2019, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. It was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis on November 11, 2019, who granted final approval on January 13, 2020.
Proposed Changes to the McCombs School of Business Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17385-17396)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on October 28, 2019, and classified as being of exclusive interest to only one college or school. On November 3, 2019, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. The items were transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis on November 4, 2019. On November 22, 2019, Provost McInnis transmitted the proposals listed below to the Executive Chancellor for Academic affairs. On November 25, 2019, the Chancellor transmitted the legislative items to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) recommending approval. On December 5, 2019, the THECB granted final approval.
- Proposal to Delete the Global Management Certificate (D 17385-17387)
- Proposal to Delete the Business and Public Policy Certificate (D 17388-17391)
- Proposal to Delete the Real Estate Certificate (D 17392-17396)
Proposed Changes to the McCombs School of Business Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17410-17432)
On October 25, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the proposals listed below on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded them to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On October 28, 2019, Dean Jay Hartzell was notified of the decision.
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program in Accounting (D 17410-17414)
- Proposal to Add Academic Standards in the Academic Policies and Procedures Section (D 17415-17416)
- Proposal to Change the Business Minor (D 17417-17419)
- Proposal to Update the General Information Section (D 17420-17421)
- Proposal to Change the Finance Major in the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program (D 17422-17425)
- Proposal to Change the General Graduation (D 17426-17427)
- Proposal to Change the Marketing Major in the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program (D 17428-17430)
- Proposal to Change the Supply Chain Management Major in the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program (D 17431-17432)
Proposed Changes to the College of Natural Sciences Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17433-17502)
On October 25, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the proposals listed below on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded them to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On October 28, 2019, Dean Paul Goldbart was notified of the decision.
- Proposal to Change the Academic Policies and Procedures Section (D 17433-17434)
- Proposal to Change the Admissions and Registration Section (D 17435-17436)
- Proposed Changes to the Applied Statistical Modeling Certificate (D 17437-17440)
- Proposed Changes to Astronomy Departmental Honors in the Academic Policies and Procedures Section (D 17441-17442)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science and Arts, Plan I, Computer Science Major (D 17443-17444)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Arts, Plan I, Physics Major (D 17445-17446)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Astronomy (D 17447-17448)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Biology, Option X: Computational Biology (D 17449-17450)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Biology, Option XI: Biology (D 17451-17452)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Biology, Option VIII: Teaching (D 17453-17454)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Option V: Teaching (Senior Grades) (D 17455-17456)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science and Arts, Computer Science Major (D 17457-17458)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (D 17459-17463)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Sciences (D 17464-17469)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (D 17470-17472)
- Proposal to Change the Name of the Bachelor of Science in Biology, Option III: Marine and Freshwater Science (D 17473-17474)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience Degree Program (D 17475-17477)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Physics (D 17478-17480)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science and Arts, Biology Major (D 17481-17482)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science and Arts, Human Development and Family Sciences Major (D 17483-17484)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science and Arts Degree with a Major in Neuroscience (D 17485-17486)
- Proposal to Change the Degrees and Programs Section (D 17487-17488)
- Proposed Changes to the Elements of Computing Certificate (D 17489-17490)
- Proposed Changes to the Evidence and Inquiry Certificate (D 17491-17492)
- Proposed Changes to the Forensic Science Certificate (D 17493-17495)
- Proposed Changes to the Scientific Computation and Data Sciences Certificate (D 17496-17500)
- Proposed Update to Reflect Name Change for the Division of Statistics and Data Sciences (D 17501-17502)
Proposed Changes to the School of Nursing Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17503-17506)
On October 25, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the proposals listed below on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded them to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On October 28, 2019, Dean Alexa M. Stuifbergen was notified of the decision.
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Program (D 17503-17504)
- Proposal to Change the Objectives of the Bachelor’s Degree Program (D 17505-17506)
Proposal to Change the Approval Process for Transcript-Recognized Undergraduate Academic Certificate Programs (D 17517-17518)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on November 7, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On November 20, 2019, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. It was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis on November 21, 2019. The Provost granted final approval on behalf of the President on November 21, 2019.
New Courses Added to the Core Curriculum Course Lists in the General Information 2020-2021 Catalog (D 17519-17525)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on November 8, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On December 4, 2019, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On December 5, 2019, it was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis. The School of Undergraduate Studies will transmit the update to the core curriculum course lists to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board prior to winter break or in early January. The authority to grant final approval of the proposed changes to the Undergraduate Catalog resides with the Faculty Council, On February 3, 2020, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board transmitted approved course lists to the School of Undergraduate Studies. No further action is required at this time.
Revised Proposal to Change the International Business Major in the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program in the McCombs School of Business Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17526-17529)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on November 21, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On November 18, 2019, Dean Jay Hartzell in the McCombs School of Business filed with the Secretary of the Faculty Council revisions to the proposal to delete foreign language requirements from the International Business major (D 17342-17345) that had been considered by the Faculty Council at its meeting on November 11, 2019. At that meeting, the Faculty Council voted to disapprove the legislation after hearing arguments for and against eliminating the foreign language requirement. The revised proposal received departmental, college, and Deann Hartzell’s approval on November 15, 2019. It also received approval from student representatives of the Undergraduate Business Council, including the senior student International Business representative. On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the proposal and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. On December 9, 2019, the Faculty Council approved the legislation. On December 10, 2019, Dean Hartzell was notified of the decision. No further action is required.
Proposed Changes to the School of Architecture Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17539-17550)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposals on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On December 3, 2019, Dean Michelle Addington was notified of the decision.
- Bachelor of Architecture/Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering Dual Degree Program (D 17539-17544)
- Bachelor of Architecture/Bachelor of Arts, Plan II Dual Degree Program (D 17545-17550)
Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Arts and Entertainment Technologies in the College of Fine Arts Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17553-17555).
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On January 7, 2020, Dean Douglas Dempster was notified of the approval. No further action is required.
Proposed Changes to the College of Fine Arts Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17556-17558)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On January 7, 2020, the legislative items were transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis. She transmitted them to Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Steven Leslie recommending approval on January 22, 2020. On March 3, 2020, Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Steven Leslie transmitted the proposals to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board recommending approval. On March 12, 2020, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board granted final approval.
- Proposal to Change the Name of the BFA, Visual Arts Studies Major (D 17556-17558)
- Proposal to Change the Name of the BFA, Theatre Studies Major (D 17559-17560)
Proposed Changes to the McCombs School of Business Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17561-17649)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposals on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded them to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On December 12, 2019, Dean Sharon L. Wood was notified of the decision.
- Proposal to Change the Internal Transfer Policy (D 17561-17564)
- Proposed Changes to the BS in Petroleum Engineering (D 17565-17569)
- Proposed Changes to the Materials Science and Engineering Minor (D 17570-17572)
- Proposed Changes to the BS in Mechanical Engineering (D 17573-17579)
- Proposed Changes to the ABET Criteria (D 17580-17582)
- Proposed Changes to the BS in Architectural Engineering (D 17583-17587)
- Proposed Changes to the BS in Aerospace Engineering (D 17588-17594)
- Proposed Changes to the BS in Biomedical Engineering (D 17595-17602)
- Proposed Changes to the BS in Civil Engineering (D 17603-17608)
- Proposed Changes to the BS in Chemical Engineering (D 17609-17610)
- Proposed Changes to the BS in Computational Engineering (D 17611-17617)
- Proposed Changes to the BS in Electrical Engineering (D 17618-17623)
- Proposed Changes to the BS in Environmental Engineering (D 17624-17629)
- Proposed Changes to the Degrees and Programs Section (D 17630-17632)
- Proposed Changes to the Freshman Admission Policy (D 17633-17634)
- Proposed Changes to the General Information Section (D 17635-17637)
- Proposed Changes to the BS in Geosystems Engineering and Hydrogeology (D 17638-17642)
- Proposed Changes to the Cockrell School Honors Program (D 17643-17645)
- Proposed Changes to the Humanitarian Engineering Certificate (D 17646-17649)
Proposal to Create a Patients, Practitioners, and Cultures of Care Certificate and a Smart Cities Certificate in the Bridging Disciplines Programs in the School of Undergraduate Studies Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17650-17654)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On January 7, 2020, the legislation was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis, who granted final approval on January 13, 2020.
Proposed Changes to the McCombs School of Business Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17655-17674)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposals on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded them to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On December 10, 2019, Dean Jay Hartzell was notified of the decision.
- Proposal to Change the Entrepreneurship Minor (D 17655-17658)
- Proposal to Change the Name of the Business Honors Program (D 17659-17662)
- Proposal to Change the Internal Transfer Policy (D 17663-17665)
- Proposal to Change the Management Major (D 17666-17669)
- Proposal to Change the Minors for Business Majors Policy (D 17670-17674)
Proposed Changes to the McCombs School of Business Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17675-17685)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On January 7, 2020, Dean Jay Hartzell was notified of the approvals.
- Proposal to Change the Flags and BBA Degree Requirements (D 17675-17681)
- Proposal to Create an Honors Computer Science and Business Dual Degree Program (D 17682-17685)
Proposed Changes to the McCombs School of Business Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17686-17699)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On January 7, 2020, the legislative items were transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis, who granted final approval on January 13, 2020.
- Proposal to Create a Business Analytics Minor (D 17686-17689)
- Proposal to Create a Global Management Minor (D 17690-17692)
- Proposal to Create an International Business Minor (D 17693-17695)
- Proposal to Create a Professional Sales and Business Development Minor (D 17696-17699)
Proposal to Change the BS in Biochemistry Degree Program in the College of Natural Sciences Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17700-17701)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposal on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On December 10, 2019, Dean Paul Goldbart was notified of the decision.
Proposed Changes to the College of Natural Sciences Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17702-17711)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On January 7, 2020, Dean Paul Goldbart was notified of the approvals.
- Proposal to Create an Honors Computer Science and Business Dual Degree Program (D 17702-17706)
- Proposed Changes to the UTeach Natural Sciences Secondary Teaching Option Certificate (D 17707-17711)
Proposed Changes to the Moody College of Communication Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17719-17789)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposals on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On December 10, 2019, Dean Paul Goldbart was notified of the decision.
- Proposal to Change the Sports Media Minor (D 17719-17721)
- Proposal to Change the Science Communication Minor (D 17722-17724)
- Proposed Changes to the Academic Policies and Procedures Section (D 17725-17727)
- Proposed Changes to the Media Studies Minor (D 17728-17732)
- Proposed Changes to the Media and Entertainment Industries Minor (D 17733-17736)
- Proposed Changes to the Bachelor of Journalism (D 17737-17740)
- Proposed Changes to the Health Communication Minor (D 17741-17746)
- Proposed Changes to the Global Communication Minor (D 17747-17749)
- Proposed Changes to the General Information Section (D 17750-17752)
- Proposed Changes to the Degrees and Programs Section (D 17753-17755)
- Proposed Changes to the Communication Studies Minor (D 17756-17758)
- Proposed Changes to the Communication and Social Change Minor (D 17759-17761)
- Proposed Changes to the US Latino and Latin American Media Studies Minor (D 17762-17765)
- Proposed Changes to the Journalism Minor (D 17766-17769)
- Proposed Changes to the Bachelor of Science in Radio-Television-Film (D 17770-17773)
- Proposed Changes to the Bachelor of Science in Public Relations (D 17774-17777)
- Proposed Changes to the Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies (D 17778-17781)
- Proposed Changes to the Bachelor of Science in Communication and Leadership (D 17782-17785)
- Proposed Changes to the Bachelor of Science in Advertising (D 17786-17789)
Proposed Changes to the Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders in the Moody College of Communication Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17790-17793)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019, and classified as being of exclusive interest to only one college or school. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On January 7, 2020, the legislation was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis, who approved the proposals and transmitted them to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board on January 13, 2020. On March 5, 2020, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board granted final approval.
Proposed Changes to the Moody College of Communication Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17794-17805)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On January 7, 2020, the legislative items were transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis, who granted final approval on January 13, 2020.
- Proposed Deletion of the Digital Media Minor (D 17794-17796)
- Proposed Deletion of the Visual Media Minor (D 17797-17798)
- Proposal to Create a Communicating for Development and Philanthropy Minor (D 17799-17801)
- Proposal to Create a Professional Sales and Business Development Minor (D 17802-17805)
Proposed Changes to the School of Architecture Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17806-17821)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposals on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On December 6, 2019, Dean Michelle Addington was notified of the decision.
- Admission and Registration Section (D 17806-17807)
- Bachelor of Architecture Curriculum and Course Arrangement (D 17808-17811)
- Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies degree program (D 17812-17816)
- Minor and Certificate Programs Section (D 17817-17821)
Proposed Changes to the College of Fine Arts Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17551-17552; D 17822-17828; D 17838-17866; D 17869-17871)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposals on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On December 10, 2019, Dean Douglas J. Dempster was notified of the decision.
- Proposal to Change the BA, Studio Art Major (D 17551-17552)
- Proposal to Change the BA, Art History Major (D 17822-17823)
- Proposal to Change the BA, Design Major (D 17824-17826)
- Proposal to Change the BA, Music Major (D 17827-17828)
- Proposal to Add Special Honors in Arts and Entertainment Technologies (D 17838-17840)
- Proposal to Change the BFA, Dance Major (D 17841-17843)
- Proposal to Change the BFA, Design Major (D 17844-17846)
- Proposal to Change the BM, Composition Major (D 17847-17849)
- Proposal to Change the BM, Harp Performance Major (D 17850-17851)
- Proposal to Change the BM, Jazz Major (D 17852-17854)
- Proposal to Change the BM, Music Studies Major (D 17855-17857)
- Proposal to Change the BM, Orchestral Performance Major (D 17858-17860)
- Proposal to Change the BM, Organ or Harpsichord Performance Major (D 17861-17862)
- Proposal to Change the BM, Piano Performance Major (D 17863-17864)
- Proposal to Change the Arts Management and Administration Minor (D 17865-17866)
- Proposal to Change the BFA, Studio Art Major (D 17869-17871)
Proposal to Change the Curriculum for the Doctor of Jurisprudence Degree Program in the Law Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17867-17868)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposal on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On December 10, 2019, Dean Ward Farnsworth was notified of the decision.
Proposed Changes to the College of Pharmacy Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022. On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposals on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded them to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On December 11, 2019, Dean M. Lynn Crismon was notified of the decision.
- Proposal to Change the Pharmacy Honors Program (D 17872-17874)
- Proposal to Change the Degrees and Programs Section (D 17875-17883)
- Proposal to Change the Graduation Section (D 17884-17885)
Proposal to Create an Urban Studies Certificate in the College of Education Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17886-17887)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On January 7, 2020, it was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis, who granted final approval on January 13, 2020.
Proposed Changes to the College of Education Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17888-17895)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposals on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded them to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On January 17, 2020, Dean Charles Martinez was notified of the decision.
- Proposal to Change the Youth and Community Studies Major (D 17888-17889)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Applied Learning and Development (D 17890-17891)
- Proposal to Change the Applied Movement Science Major (D 17892-17893)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Health (D 17894-17895
Proposed Changes to the College of Education Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022
On February 6, 2019, the Kinesiology and Health Undergraduate Advisory Committee approved the proposed changes; On October 4, 2019, the college’s Undergraduate Curriculum Committee approved the changes; and Dean Martinez approved them on October 8, 2019. On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee approved the proposal on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. On February 4, 2020, the Office of the General Faculty notified Dean Martinez that the proposals had received final approval.
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training Program (D 17896-17897)
- Proposal to Change the Health Promotion and Behavioral Science Major (D 17898-17899)
- Proposal to Change the Physical Culture and Sports Major (D 17900-17901a)
Proposed Changes to the College of Education Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17896-17901a)
On February 6, 2019, the Kinesiology and Health Undergraduate Advisory Committee approved the proposed changes; On October 4, 2019, the college’s Undergraduate Curriculum Committee approved the changes; and Dean Martinez approved them on October 8, 2019. On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee approved the proposal on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. On February 4, 2020, the Office of the General Faculty notified Dean Martinez that the proposals had received final approval.
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training Program (D 17896-17897)
- Proposal to Change the Health Promotionand Behavioral Science Major (D 17898-17899)
- Proposal to Change the Physical Culture and SportsMajor (D 17900-17901a)
Proposed Changes to the Jackson School of Geosciences Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17902-17910)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On January 7, 2020, the legislative items were transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis, who granted final approval on January 13, 2020.
- Proposal to Create a Computational Geosciences Minor (D 17902-17904)
- Proposal to Create a Geosciences Minor (D 17905-17906)
- Proposal to Create a Hydrology Minor (D 17907-17908)
- Proposal to Create a Sedimentology and Earth Surface Processes Minor (D 17909-17910)
Proposed Changes to the College of Liberal Arts Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17915-17932)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019, and classified as being of general interest to more than one college or school. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. . On January 7, 2020, the legislative items were transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis, who granted final approval on January 13, 2020.
- Proposal to Create a Holocaust and Genocide Studies Minor (D 17915-17917)
- Proposal to Create a Cultural Expression, Human Experience, and Thought (D 17918-17919)
- Proposal to Create a Law, Justice, and Society Minor (D 17920-17922)
- Proposal to Create a New Jewish Studies Minor (D 17923-17924)
- Proposal to Create a Global Interreligious Dynamics Minor (D 17925-17926)
- Proposal to Create a Social and Behavioral Sciences Minor (D 17927-17928)
- Proposal to Create a Military Leadership Minor (D 17929-17930)
- Proposal to Delete the German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Studies Major (D 17931-17932)
Proposed Changes to the Jackson School of Geosciences Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17836-17837; D 17940-17979)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposals on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded them to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On January 17, 2020, Dean Sharon Mosher was notified of the decision.
- Proposal to Change the Admision and Registration Section (D 17836-17837)
- Proposal to Change the Academic Policies and Procedures Section (D 17940-17942)
- Proposal to Change the BS in Environmental Science (D 17943-17946)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences, Option I: General Geology (D 17947-17950)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences, Option II: Geophysics (D 17951-17953)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences, Option III: Hydrogeology (D 17954-17957)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences (D 17958-17961)
- Proposal to Change the Degrees and Programs Section (D 17962-17964)
- Proposal to Change the Graduation Section (D 17965-17968)
- Proposal to Change the Minor and Certificate Programs Section (D 17969-17970)
Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences, Option V: Teaching Degree Program in the Jackson School of Geosciences Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17971-17975)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposals on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded them to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On January 28, 2020, Dean Sharon Mosher was notified of the decision.
Standing Committees of the General Faculty, 2019-2020 (D 17982-18004)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu/ on December 17, 2019.
Proposed Changes to the College of Liberal Arts Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 18005-18073)
On November 20, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the following proposals on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded them to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On December 19, 2019, Dean Ann Huff Stevens was notified of the decision.
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Arts, Plan I, German (D 18005-18006)
- Proposal to Change the Bachelor of Arts, Plan I Degree Program (D 18007-18011)
- Proposal to Change the Economics Major (D 18012-18013)
- Proposal to Change the English Major (D 18014-18015)
- Proposal to Change the History Major (D 18016-18017)
- Proposal to Change the International Relations and Global Studies Major (D 18018-18019)
- Proposal to Change the Jewish Studies Major (D 18020-18021)
- Proposal to Change the Philosophy Major (D 18022-18023)
- Proposal to Change the Psychology Major (D 18024-18025)
- Proposal to Change the Chinese Minor (D 18026-18027)
- Proposal to Change the Sociology Major (D 18028-18029)
- Proposal to Change the Departmental Honors Programs (D 18030-18031)
- Proposal to Change the Digital Humanities Certificate (D 18032-18035)
- Proposal to Change the Greek Minor (D 18036-18037)
- Proposal to Change the Indigenous Studies Certificate (D 18038-18040)
- Proposal to Change the Philosophy of Law Minor (D 18041-18042)
- Proposal to Change the Philosophy of Mind and Language Minor (D 18043-18044)
- Proposed Changes to the Asian Studies Honors Program (D 18045-18046)
- Proposed Changes to the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (D 18047-18051)
- Proposed Changes to the Bachelor of Science in Psychology (D 18052-18054)
- Proposed Changes to the Classical Honors Program (D 18055-18056)
- Proposed Changes to the Human Dimensions of Organization Honors Program (D 18057-18058)
- Proposed Changes to the Philosophy Honors Program (D 18059-18060)
- Proposed Changes to the Psychology Honors Program (D 18061-18062)
- Proposed Changes to the Sustainability Honors Program (D 18063-18064)
- Proposal to Change the Department of Germanic Studies Information (D 18065-18066)
- Proposal to Change the Urban Studies Major (D 18067-18068)
- Proposal to Change the Core Texts and Ideas Certificate (D 18072-18073)
- WITHDRAWN: Proposal to Change the Security Studies Certificate (D 18069-18071)
Proposed Chantes to the College of Liberal Arts Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 17911-17914; 17933-17939)
Distributed through the faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on December 10, 2019. On January 6, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On January 7, 2020, Dean Ann Huff Stevens was notified of the approvals. No further action is required.
- Proposal to Change the Admission and Registration Section (D 17911-17914)
- Proposal to Change the Sustainability Studies Major (D 17933-17934)
- Proposal to Change the BA, Plan II Degree Program (D 17935-17939)
Resolution on the Support of Principles for Advancing Openness through Journal Negotiations from the University of Texas Libraries Committee (D 18081-18083)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu January17, 2020.The Faculty Council voted to table the resolution with instruction for the committee to redraft it taking in to account faculty members’ comments. On April 1, 2020, the Faculty Council endorsed the revised resolution D 18141-18143.
Proposed Changes to the UTeach-Natural Sciences Teacher Certification in the Degrees and Programs section of the College of Natural Sciences chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 18099-18102)
On October 23, 2019, the Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee endorsed the proposal on behalf of the Faculty Council and forwarded it to the Office of the General Faculty. Because the changes were considered non-substantive and did not require approval from the Provost, the committee agreed that no further action was needed. On January 31, 2020, Dean Paul Goldbart was notified of the decision.
Proposal to Change the Approval Process for Transcript-Recognized Undergraduate Academic Minors (D 18110-18112)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website on February 10, 2020, and classified as general legislation. On February 20, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. It was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis for her consideration. On February 27, 2020, Provost McInnis transmitted recommendation for approval to President Fenves. On March 3, 2020, President Fenves granted final approval.
Proposed Change to the Quantitative Reasoning Flag Criteria (D 18113-18115)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website on February 10, 2020, and classified as general legislation. On February 20, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. It was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis for her consideration. On February 27, 2020, Provost McInnis transmitted recommendation for approval to President Fenves. On March 3, 2020, President Fenves granted final approval.
Revised Resolution on the Support of Principles for Advancing Openness Through Journal Negotiations from The University of Texas Libraries Committee (D 18141-18143)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on March 19, 2020. On April 1, 2020, the Faculty Council endorsed the resolution, and on April 7, 2020, it was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis for her information.
Resolution in Support of the Continuous Feedback and Use of eCIS for All End-of-Course Surveys for Spring 2020 (D 18144-18145)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu/ on March 20, 2020. The resolution was presented to the Faculty Council at its meeting on March 23, 2020. It was approved by majority vote. On March 26, 2020, the resolution was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis for her information. On April 1, 2020, Provost McInnis approved the adoption of the resolution.
Faculty Council and Graduate Assembly Joint Resolution on Recommendations for Temporary Changes to Educational Policies for Spring 2020 in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic (D 18146-18154).
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu/ on March 25, 2020. The Secretary classified this as an emergency resolution. It was presented to the Faculty Council for consideration via a Qualtrics survey on March 25, 2020. On March 26, 2020, voting members of the Faculty Council endorsed the resolution by majority vote: 58 Yes, 3 No, 1 Abstain. The resolution was transmitted to President Greg Fenves and Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis for their information by Faculty Council Chair Brian Evans on March 26, 2020. On March 27, 2020, President Fenves and Provost McInnis transmitted their approval and adoption of the resolution.
Election of Voting Faculty Members to the Undergraduate Studies Advisory Committee (D 18155)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on March 27, 2020. Staring March 30, 2020 through 5:00 pm Monday, April 6, 2020, the voting members of the Faculty Council cast their votes via Qualtrics to elect two voting members of the General Faculty to serve on the Undergraduate Studies Advisory Committee for three-year terms. Reneé Acosta (Clinical Professor, College of Pharmacy) and Soo Young Rieh (Professor, School of Information) were elected to three-year terms of service beginning September 1, 2020. On April 7, 2020, Dean Brent Iverson was notified of the election results via email.
Faculty Welfare Committee Resolution of Faculty Service Duties to Departments, Schools, Colleges, and the University (D 18164-18165)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu/ on March 30, 2020. The resolution was presented to the Faculty Council at its meeting on April 13, 2020. It was approved by majority vote. On April 14, 2020, the resolution was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis for her information.
Educational Policy Committee Resolution Affirming Support of Revisions to the Core Course Selection (D 18166-18167)Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu/ on March 30, 2020. The Faculty Council approved the resolution by no-protest on April 16, 2020, and it was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis for her information on April 17, 2020.
Schedule for Meetings of the Faculty Council in 2020-2021 (D 18168)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu/ on March 30, 2020. The Faculty Council approved the schedule by no-protest on April 16, 2020, and it was transmitted to President Greg Fenves for his information on April 21, 2020.
Degrees Awarded in 2019-2020 (D 18169)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu/ on March 31, 2020. In a departure from the practice followed through 1997-98, the classified lists of degrees awarded in 2019-20 will be omitted from the bound volumes of the Documents of the General Faculty. Copies of the lists will be available from the Office of the Registrar.
Proposed Revisions to the Admission and Registration Section in the School of Architecture Chapter in the Undergraduate Catalog, 2020-2022 (D 18177-18178)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on April 2, 2020. To facilitate the approval process given the late date of submission, the Office of the General Faculty asked the Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee (UCRC) to consider the proposed changes ahead of the School of Architecture’s vote scheduled for April 2, 2020. On March 25, 2020, the UCRC endorsed the changes according to the rules of Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee, a standing committee of the General Faculty, and on behalf of the Faculty Council. On April 2, 2020, Uli Dangel (Architecture Program Director), the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, and Dean Addington approved the changes. Because the changes are considered non-substantive and do not require approval from the Provost, no further action is needed. On April 2, 2020, the Office of the General Faculty notified Dean Addington that the proposal had received final approval. The changes supersede those previously approved in fall 2019 in D 17806-17807.
Report of the Committee to Nominate Faculty Members for Appointment to the University Co-op Board of Directors (D 18179)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on March 30, 2020. The Faculty Council approved the panel by no-protest on April 16, 2020, and it was transmitted to President Greg Fenves on April 17, 2020. On April 21, 2020, President Fenves appointed Associate Professor Paul A. Bonin-Rodriguez (Theatre and Dance) to a four-year term beginning September 1, 2020, through August 31, 2024
Report of the Committee to Nominate Faculty Members for Appointment to the Intercollegiate Athletics Council (D 18180)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on March 30, 2020. The Faculty Council approved the panel by no-protest on April 16, 2020, and it was transmitted to President Greg Fenves on April 17, 2020. On April 28, 2020, President Fenves appointed Mechele Dickerson, Distinguished Teaching Professor in the School of Law, and Terrance Green, Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, each for a four-year term beginning September 1, 2020, through August 31, 2024.
Report of the Committee to Nominate Faculty Council Members for Appointment to the University of Texas at Austin Police Oversight Committee (D 18182)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on March 30, 2020. The Faculty Council approved the panel by no-protest on April 16, 2020, and it was transmitted to President Greg Fenves on April 17, 2020. On July 17, 2020, Interim President Jay Hartzell transmitted revisions to the committees charge and composition and his appointments to the committee: Professors Keffrelyn D. Brown (Curriculum and Instruction) and Kevin O. Cokley (Educational Psychology) to serve a three-year term from September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2023. Faculty members continuing are Daina R. Berry (2018-2021) and William G. Spelman (2019-2022).
Educational Policy Committee Resolution on Resolving Incomplete Grades in Spring 2020 (D 18183)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu/ on April 8, 2020. The resolution was presented to the Faculty Council at its meeting on April 13, 2020. It was approved by majority vote. On April 14, 2020, the resolution was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis for her information.
Faculty Council Executive Committee Statement Concerning the Alternative Grading Policy for Spring 2020 due to COVID-19 (D 18190)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu and presented the following statement to the Faculty Council during its meeting held April 13, 2020.
Revisions to the Handbook of Operating Procedures 2-1060-PM Standing Committees of the General Faculty-Institutional Policy or Governance Committees (D 18191-18197)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on April 16, 2020. On April 16, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis, and it was transmitted to Executive Vice President and Provost Maurie McInnis on April 30, 2020. In the afternoon of April 30, 2020, Provost McInnis transmitted the legislation to President Greg Fenves recommending approval. On May 4, 2020, President Fenves granted final approval.
Report of the Committee to Nominate Faculty Council Officers for 2020-2021 (D 18215-18216)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on May 1, 2020. On May 4, 2020, voting members of the 2020-21 Faculty Council elected its officers. Members of the 2020-21 Faculty Council Executive Committee are Anthony Brown, Chair (Professor, Curriculum and Instruction); Domino Perez, Chair Elect (Associate Professor, English); Brian L. Evans, Past Chair (Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering); Alan W. Friedman, Secretary (Professor, English); Kristin E. Harvey (Associate Professor of Instruction, Statistics and Data Sciences); Alberto A. Martinez (Professor, History); Shelly R. Rodriguez (Associate Professor of Practice, UTeach-Natural Sciences), and Elizabeth T. Gershoff (Graduate Assembly Chair, and Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences). On May 5, 2020, President Fenves was notified of the election results.
Revisions to the Function of the Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee (C3) in the Handbook of Operating Procedures 2-1060-PM (D 18218-18223)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on October 28, 2019, and the legislation was classified as being of general interest. On May 13, 2020, the Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis. On May 14, 2020, it was transmitted to Interim Executive Vice President and Provost Daniel T. Jaffe. On May 18, 2020, Interim Provost Jaffe transmitted the proposal to President Greg Fenves recommending approval. On May 19, 2020, President Fenves granted final approval.
Statement from the Task Force on Developing Community Standards for Faculty: Encouragement and Action in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (D 18224-18225)
Presented to the Faculty Council at its Meeting on May 4, 2020. Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on May 5, 2020.
Proposal to Modify the Language and Title of the Handbook of Operating Procedures 2-2230 Threatened Faculty Retrenchment (D 18241-18251)
Distributed as minor legislation through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on May 20, 2020. This legislation modifies the previous proposal (D 15084-15095) which was approved by the Faculty Council on May 1, 2017, and by voting members of the General Faculty on May 22, 2017. It was transmitted to President Gregory L. Fenves on May 23, 2017. In August 2017, the Administration expressed concerns with the language and worked jointly with the Faculty Rules and Governance Committee and the Faculty Council Executive Committee on emendations. On May 5, 2020, the Office of Legal Affairs transmitted new language accepted by the Administration to the Faculty Council Executive Committee and Former Committee Chair Andrea Gore. The changes are considered minor, and the spirit of the Rules and Governance Committee’s work has been preserved. The Faculty Council approved the legislation on a no-protest basis on May 29, 2020. It was transmitted to the Executive Vice President and Provost Daniel Jaffe on June 1, 2020, with a request to provide recommendation for approval or disapproval to Interim President Jay Harztell. On June 8, 2020, Interim Provost Jaffe transmitted his recommendation for approval to Interim President Hartzell. On June 15, 2020, Interim President Harztell granted final approval.
UT Austin Faculty Council Responses to the Pandemic (D 18252-18255)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on May 18, 2020.
Technology-Enhanced Education Oversight Committee and Educational Policy Committee Resolution on Principles Regarding Online/Hybrid Teaching, Instructional Technology and Pedagogical Support, and Work Environments During the COVID-19 Pandemic (D 18279-18281)
Distributed through the Faculty Council website https://facultycouncil.utexas.edu on June 4, 2020. The Faculty Council endorsed the resolution by majority vote at its meeting on June 15, 2020. It was transmitted to Interim Executive Vice President and Provost Daniel T. Jaffe on June 16, 2020, for his information.