Moody College of Communication Faculty Council Election (2024-2026)

Three faculty will be elected. 


View the current Faculty Council Membership

Candidates from the Moody College of Communication

Mary Beltrán, Professor, Radio-Television-Film

Octavio Kano-Galvan, Assistant Professor of Practice, School of Advertising and Public Relations

Lawrence P Schooler, Assistant Professor of Practice, Communication Studies

I teach courses in conflict resolution and facilitation, as well as communication and leadership, in the Communication Studies Department, the Communication and Leadership Program, and Plan II.  I also serve as faculty panel co-chair for the Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies Bridging Disciplines Certificate, and I mentor students in that program and advise Plan II thesis students.  I also serve on committees in Moody, including the scholarship committee and the review process committee.  My research includes examining ways for ordinary people to participate in solving large-scale problems together through deliberative democracy, transitional and restorative justice, and other means.

Spencer Smith, Assistant Professor, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences